Lake Zurich Flames Youth Football And Cheerleading
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sideline competition cheer:

ALL SIDELINE COMPETITON TEAMS WILL PRACTICE TWICE A WEEK DURING THE WEEK AND ONCE ON THE  WEEKEND. EACH TEAM WILL CHEER EVERY OTHER WEEKEND DURING THE FOOTBALL SEASON.  Practice days and times will be determined by the team coach.  If your team is cheering for a Football game that game is considered their practice.  Games are Saturday at Knox Park. There will be opportunities to cheer at the High School.  This is extremely beneficial for our cheerleaders and we highly suggest you take advantage of the opportunity. The Season will run from May 31st - November 23rd.  We will have a no contact for two weeks during the summer June 29th-July 6th & July 20th-27th. Choreography will be held  in June. Practices will be once a week over the summer (aside from the no contact weeks) until mandatory practices begin August 11th.  Practice times and days will be updated as we comfirm coaches and teams. 

COMPETITION CHEER CAMP: ICA puts on an AMAZING 3 day Camp at Carthage College for 5th grade and above.  The camp is $475 and all food, transportation, lodging, bows and camp shirts are provided. 

COMPETITIONS:  Flames will participate in 3 competitions paid for through your registration fees. Teams that qualify will also participate in the State Championship.  Please note that the $165 registration fee for State is NOT included in the regular season registration fees. When your child's team qualifies for State you will need to pay the $165 State registration fee. 
These are the Competition Dates (** indicates the preferred competition.  Exact dates will be determined by the ICA).

  • September 6th/7th- "Cheercago"
  • September 20th/21st- "Cheer Rodeo"  South Elgin High School**
  • October 4th/5th-"Cosmic Clash"**
  • October 18th/19th- "Cheer Pink" Dundee Crown High School
  • October 25th/26th- "Spirit Spooktacular"**                                                                                                  
  • **November 14-15th AND November 21st-23rd State Championship NIU Convocation Center, DeKalb**
    The State Championship will be two consecutive weekends. The preliminary round will be November 14th/15th, and worth 25% of your total state score.  State Finals will be he following weekend, November 21st-23rd, and will be worth 75% of your toal score. 

CHOREOGRAPHY:  All sideline competition teams are REQUIRED TO ATTEND CHOREOGRAPHY.  We are allowed 12 hours of professional choreography per team paid for through your registration.  It is imperative that the whole team is present.  Missing choreography could potentially change or eliminate your athlete's position. Choreography will be in June.  Times listed are preliminary, dates and times will be finalized after teams are formed. 

Flash Grades 2-3, Sunday June 1st, 12:30pm-3:30pm,  June 8th 9:00am-12:00pm, June 22nd 12:30pm-3:30pm

Flare Grades 3-4  Sunday June 1st 8:30am-12pm, June 8th 12:30pm-4:30pm,  June 22nd 8:30am-12:00pm

Blaze Grades 4-5  Saturday, May 31st 12:30pm-4pm, June 7th 8am-12pm, June 21st 12:30-4:00pm

Inferno Grades 6-8  Saturday, May 31st  8:00am-12:00pm, June 7th 12:30pm-4:30pm, June 21st 9:00am-12:00pm

***Competition teams will ultimately be based on registration numbers.  Some teams may have one grade level instead of 2 or 3 if the registration allows.  In that case a new team will be created. When you are 'wait listed' for  SIDELINE COMPETITION team please know that means you are waiting to be told which team you are on while registration is open though May 4th.  We can create new Comp teams as we need them provided we have coaches.  If you have never cheered before and LOVE Cheer, we want YOU- no Cheer experience needed!**

**Practice starts for all Sideline Competition Teams the week of August 11th**


SPARKS:  KINDERGARTEN-2nd GRADE GAME CHEER:  Sparks has a 12 week season beginning August 4th.  They will practice twice per week on Monday and Wednesday from 5:30pm-6:30pm and cheer at games on Sunday mornings. Game times will be either at 9:00am or 10:00am. Practice and games will all be at Knox Park.  Sparks is a great way to introduce your child to the Flames Cheer Program.  This team will learn how to do proper cheer jumps and motions and learn  Flames sideline cheers.  Basic stunts will also be learned (prep or hip level only). Sparks will be divided into 4 separate teams after registration is comlete. Siblings will of course be together. Team placement will be announced before the start of practice. You may include one  friend request through Teamlinkt registration. Friend requests must be reciprical. 

SPARKS CAMP: July 15th-17th will be the Sparks Cheer Camp from 10:00am-12:00pm. They will learn sideline cheers, basic stunts, jumps and motions. Camp is three days, includes a tee shirt and bow and will cost $75.00. This is a great way to jumpstart the season and work with the High School cheerleaders. Will include a parent showcase at the conclusion of camp on July 17th at 12:00. More information will be coming shortly.



*Sparks Game Cheer uniforms will be rented.   Sparks will rent their uniform from Flames.  Your rental fee is included in your registration.

* Sideline Competition Teams need to purchase a full uniform for $260.00.  A game day tank/shirt will be provided through your registration fee.

Fittings are scheduled for Monday May 12th and Tuesday May 13th from  5:30-7:30.  A Sign-Up Genius will go out closer to the date. Note: Registration will close for all Cheer teams on May 10th.  Unifoms are custom ordered and cannot be guaranteed delivery after the initial uniform order has gone through.

PRACTICE ATTIRE: Practice shirts (3) will be provided through your registration for competition teams.  All teams will wear plain black shorts (not provided) and a t-shirt to practice.  Practice, game and competition bows will be provided as well.  Sparks will receive two practice shirts, a practice bow, a game day bow and a warm up Hoodie.

SHOES: All athletes must purchase their own shoes.  Shoes must be clean and white.  Sideline Competition Teams need two pairs of shoes.  One specifically for games that must be white and one for Competitions and practice only.

WARM UPS:     All competition teams will require the zip up Jacket at their own cost. This will be worn in colder weather with black leggings. 

We are looking for parents who want to get involved with coaching and leading practices.  There are many ways to be involved: head coach, assistant coach, spotter, specialty coach, leading warmups, and conditioning.  You do not need to be a cheer expert to be a coach.  Please reach out to Christina Goo to learn how you can be involved! We also need Team Managers, game day helpers, mat rollers and Coaches Committee volunteers.  Our program is 100% volunteer based.  Please consider volunteering and helping our program continue on in its success.